Decoder simulator
This is a utility that should help you to develop your app without a need of having physical decoder on your network or nearby. The app generates passings in format or decoders. Please note this is not 100% decoder copy and will probably not work when connected to a 3rd party timing app. This app focuses on creating and generating passing messages from decoders.
ammc-sim.exe [OPTIONS] [DECODER_TYPE]
<DECODER_TYPE> Decoder type; AMB or RR or Vostok [default: AMB]
Optional simulator specific parameters:
-c, --tran_code <tran_code>
trans code string to use in passings messages, multiple values separated by ',', example: x-1,d-345,aa-199 -
-d, --passing-delay <passing-delay>
Passing delay in millisecondsfrom-to
[default: 1000-3000] -
--decoder-id <decoder-id>
Decoder ID send in every message [default: 0A87E5] -
-h, --hits <hits>
hits to use in passing messages [default: 100] -
-n, --passing-numbers <passing-numbers>
Passing numbers to generatefrom-to
[default: 1-3000] -
-s, --strength <strength>
strength to use in passing messages [default: 300] -
-t, --transponder <transponder>
transponder number to use in passings messages, multiple values separated by ',', example: 12345,23456,4554444 -
-u, --utc
use UTC time instead of default RTC -
-x, --startup_delay_secs <startup_delay_secs>
messages passing startup delay in secs [default: 0] -
-y, --shutdown_delay_secs <shutdown_delay_secs>